制作一个BEASTS公仔的过程就好比那个鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡的故事,很难说到底哪一个先出现:是先想到一种绝妙的材料?还是先有对人物形象的奇思妙想?但有一点是可以肯定的: 每当sigikid的设计团队在创造BEASTS形象时,总是两眼放光。因为BEASTS的设计工作充分调动了他们的想象,让他们能充分挥洒创造的力量。
给公仔命名,这是sigikid公司中每一个人都要参与的工作,而不仅仅是设计师。我们也因此得到了许多让人惊喜的想法,比如:”Ach Goood!”(诶呀,真好?),”Igor Ismirschlecht”或者“复活节小怪兽”……这仅仅是一小部分吸引人的创意奥!BEASTS绝对不是能大批量生产的,而且我们也不想这样去做。所以,这些可爱的小东西都是纯手工的限量版哦!
The making of a BEASTS is like the story of the chicken and the egg.It is difficult to decide what came first: a fantastic fabric or a great idea for a new character. But one thing is for sure: Whenever the sigikid designing-team creates new beastly characters their eyes begin to glow, as this collection enables them to let their creative juices flow and do what their apt to do, experiment and embark on innovative paths.And they aren’t extraordinarily imaginative with the animal characters alone; the combination of materials shows that the BEASTS are exceptional items of premium quality. Felt, artificial leather, velvet, taffeta and plush in all possible variations of fibres and dyes are just a few of the materials we use.
Each and every BEAST is a work of art in its own right. So, it is not surprising that it often takes weeks until the designers are satisfied with the outcome. Therefore, the BEASTS are not only made with love but also with a love of detail. Sometimes just a few stitches are all that is needed to make the crucial difference – sometimes even experts spend hours creating special facial expressions like goggle eyes, droopy cheeks or a silly grin. But these cuddly creatures with their typical charm are not truly BEASTS until they have been given a befitting name. Everyone at sigikid is involved in the naming process, not just the designers. So, a number of brilliant creations such as “Green Misery”, “Lady Schnatterly” or “Macho Gazpacho” were just a few of the convincing ideas.The BEASTS are neither a mass product nor meant to be one. The hand-made cuddlies are therefore only produced in small lots.